Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jo Meets Blogger, Readers Meet Jo's New Blog

So, with the program name change and other system changes, the X-class bloggers were given the opportunity to find a different blogging tool. So, now, you've got me on blogger.... It's rockin'!

And, the BEST part about this new blog is that I customized some of the HTML myself. Oh yes, it is true, this Industrial Engineer knows how to write and modify (some) HTML code.

But, wait, there's more (I bet you can't contain your excitement) - I'm seeking reader input. There are a few things in the HTML that I could not figure out:
  • I'd like to add a divider line between the two frames, or at least see how it looks
  • I want to add underline formatting to my individual blog titles
These both seem like they should be easy... so, I am sure someone can help!

In the meantime, ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. Those should both be pretty easy. To add the divider between the left and right, the easiest way would be to add "border-left: 1px" to the CSS for the right column (or more, depending on how thick you want the divider). To add the underline on the post title, there should be a "text-decoration: none" on the post title. Just remove that.
