Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Graduating is kinda like finishing a really good book.

You know that feeling when you're reading a really good book and you finish it? You're excited to reach the end and see how the story comes together, but, you're also sad that there's nothing more to read? Well, I think that's the best way to describe how I feel about finishing LGO.

As of Friday, it's official, I'm a MIT alumni! Yippee!

Graduation festivities were pretty fun, but also super busy. My Mom came into town on Wednesday and left just this morning (Monday). It was nice to have her here to celebrate with me. And, in between the festivities, we even managed a day trip up to Maine (which was my last New England state to check off before I move).

The week was a big whirlwind of emotions. While I'm SO excited to be graduated and moving to San Francisco and joining Apple, I know I'm going to miss all of the great people here and I'm not quite ready to transition from student back to professional. I must admit, I kinda liked the "irresponsibility" I allowed myself just because of my student status. ;) Fortunately, though, work doesn't start immediately for me. My first day is not until July 19th, so I have just over 6 weeks to work on this oh-so-tough transition.

With this new phase of life, I don't know what will happen with this blog. It's intended for students applying to LGO to get an idea of what it's really like in the program, but I think some others might read it too. So, I guess I'm open to suggestions.

However, for now, this is another goodbye and, also, a Thank You for reading and following along during these crazy 2 years.


  1. we seem to get a lot of questions about what people get out of coming to LGO and what happens after, so it would be cool if you keep it up. and i'd like to hear about how you're doing :)

    best wishes on your transition! we'll miss you.


  2. Do you know, that's exactly how I felt, like I'd come to the end of a good book and there were no films or sequels or video games in the pipeline. Then to add insult to injury, there's no fanfiction being written either!

    Anyway, I digress. There is definitely such a thing as post-graduate depression and I think every graduate gets it a little bit. All of a sudden, you're out on your own, you've got to start looking for graduate jobs, there's no more handing something in and getting feedback, it's all up to you. Coming back from Uni is second only to going to Uni, as far as really scary things go.

    Still, it's best to look at it as the door opening to the next stage of an adventure. :)
